Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

Pengalaman Berharga, Pertukaran Pelajar ke Singapura!!

Jika kalian sudah mengerti judul dari entri ini, kalian akan memahami apa yang akan saya bahas disini. Tapi mohon maaf saya tidak bisa menyertakan foto sebagai bukti karena hard disk yang berisi foto tahun 2013 hilang begitu saja.

Nah, saya mengikuti pertukaran pelajar ke Singapura pada tahun 2013 ketika saya masih duduk di bangku kelas 8. Pertukaran pelajar ini memang salah satu program SMP saya sebagai sekolah RSBI, dan Alhamdulillah saya mendapat kesempatan sebagai Guide untuk murid Singapura yang berkunjung ke sekolah saya saat kelas 7, dan mendapat kesempatan untuk pergi kesana bersama teman-teman saya yang lain. 

Saya berada di Singapura kurang lebih selama 2 minggu, dengan full schedule untuk sekolah, mengenal Singapura lebih dekat, dan sedikit rekreasi disana. Jujur, pada awalnya saya merasa sangat nervous. Takut jika saya tidak dapat berbaur dengan teman baru, atau tidak dapat beradaptasi dengan budaya disana. Tapi..

TIPS 1: Buang pikiran kalian tentang ketakutan akan budaya baru dan bahasa baru jika kalian akan mengikuti pertukaran pelajar. 

Karena sebenarnya ketakutan itu tidak akan menjadi kenyataan apabila kita mencoba membuka diri dan tidak terpaku pada perbedaan budaya. Singkat cerita, begitu saya sampai di Singapura, hal pertama yang saya lakukan adalah mencoba beradaptasi dengan hawa yang sangat panas dan oksigen yang terasa minim sehingga dada saya terasa pengap. Butuh waktu 30 menit untuk paru-paru saya beradaptasi, saya pikir saya akan mati saat itu.

Setelah naik ke bus, kami langsung pergi ke hotel yang memang telah dipesan. Di jalan, saya sangat terpukau bagaimana bersih dan rapihnya Singapura. Bahkan saya dengar dari Tour Guide saya, peraturan di Singapura sangat ketat bahkan untuk merokok sembarangan saja orang disana tidak berani karena terdapat kamera CCTV dimana-mana dan hukumannya pun tidak tanggung-tanggung, yaitu hukuman penjara. Memang suram, tapi itu adalah cara yang ampuh. 

Sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu ingat dengan jelas tentang detail schedule apa saja yang saya dan teman-teman saya lakukan. Saya hanya akan menceritakan bagian-bagian yang menurut saya menarik.

Ketika saya belajar di Singapura sana, lebih tepatnya di Jurong Secondary School Singapore. Ternyata saya mendapat kelas Bahasa China...


TIPS 2: Jangan malu untuk meminta bantuan kepada teman baru, karena itu juga bisa menjadi suatu metode untuk menambah teman

Kelas Bahasa China pun berhasil, dan saya pun mencurahkan semua kesulitan yang saya hadapi kepada Guide saya yang hanya dibalas dengan tawaan penuh keceriaan. Ya, mungkin dia tertawa di atas penderitaan orang lain. 

Skip beberapa bagian. Akhirnya, sekolah saya dan Jurong Secondary School Singapore mengadakan Jogathon. Jogathon merupakan acara marathon mengelilingi berpuluh-puluh km jalan. Layaknya marathon saja seperti apa, tetapi disini diganti namanya menjadi Jogathon. 
Panas, lelah, tetapi ajaibnya saya bisa menyelesaikan Jogathon tersebut. Tetapi karena Jogathon itulah saya bertemu dengan seorang anak laki-laki yang kemudian mengajarkan kepada saya bahwa LDR berbeda negara itu sangat sulit terutama untuk murid SMP. 
Saya ingat hal pertama yang dia tanyakan kepada saya adalah apakah saya baik-baik saja, dan berniat untuk memberikan saya air minum tapi saya tolak dengan halus. Akhirnya kami berbincang-bincang cukup panjang, bersama dengan teman-temannya yang lain yang ternyata ingin belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Saya ingat bahwa saya memberitahu mereka bahwa sebenarnya Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Indonesia tidak jauh berbeda, jadi jika mereka ingin mempelajari Bahasa Indonesia itu tidak akan terlalu sulit. Akhirnya, anak laki-laki itu meminta id twitter saya, dan setelah saya pulang ke Indonesia, kami berbicara lebih banyak lewat twitter. 

Bagian yang menarik ketika saya mengikuti pertukaran pelajar adalah ketika saya mengunjungi Sentosa yang merupakan tempat utama destinasi turis, Patung Merlion, China Town, hingga Universal Studio Singapore.  

TIPS 3: Jangan sia-siakan waktu rekreasi yang dimiliki ketika melakukan pertukaran pelajar karena itu adalah pengalaman yang sangat langka

Banyak pengalaman dan pelajaran berharga yang saya dapatkan, salah satunya adalah cara menerima perbedaan budaya yang memang sangat berbeda dengan budaya yang ada di Indonesia. Lalu, saya juga sebenarnya harus berterima kasih kepada pertukaran pelajar tersebut karena kegiatan tersebut sangat membantu saya dalam berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris dan bekerja sama dengan orang lain. Entah pengalaman itu akan saya dapatkan lagi atau tidak, tetapi saya sangat bersyukur dapat mengenal pelajaran yang sangat berharga dalam usia yang cukup belia. 

Dan itulah 3 tips utama yang mungkin sekiranya bisa membantu kalian jika akan atau ingin mengikuti pertukaran pelajar. Ingat, pertukaran pelajar butuh pertimbangan yang matang. Kita harus mengetahui potensi diri dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan apa saja yang mungkin terjadi saat kita berada di negara orang. Tetapi, tetap nikmati waktu rekreasi yang disediakan. Jangan terpaku pada belajar karena tujuan utama dari pertukaran pelajar adalah mengetahui kebudayaan masing-masing negara melalui pendidikan, jadi ambil pelajaran berharga bagi mental dan psikis kita, bukan hanya otak ;)

Tangerang, "Australia-nya Indonesia"!

Hai, udah lama ga update tulisan di blog. Sibuk UKK.

Sibuk mikirin nilai:( 

Okay, kali ini saya akan membahas tentang kampung halaman tercinta. 
Sebelumnya udah pada tau kan Tangerang itu dimana? Ya mepet-mepet Jakarta sedikit, lah. Jadi bisa dibilang sama-sama panas, sama-sama banyak mall, tapi bedanya dengan Jakarta adalah Tangerang itu anti macet, serius. Coba deh main ke sana, jalannya lancaaaar banget. 

Nah, temanya kali ini adalah.. katanya Tangerang itu disebut-sebut Australia-nya Indonesia, lho. Kenapa?

Karena.. Tangerang itu bersiiiiiiih banget. Pemulung, sampah kecil numpuk di pinggir jalan itu nihil. Dan Tangerang juga pernah meraih piala sebagai kota terbersih se-Indonesia. Saya lupa tahun berapa, hehe. Sebenarnya Tangerang juga bukan kota padat penduduk seperti Bandung atau Jakarta, malah tergolong sedikit kosong. Makanya masih banyak lahan kosong yang ujung-ujungnya dibuat mall lagi. Jika kalian main ke Tangerang, jangan terkejut jika kalian akan melihat mall setiap radius 100 m. Itu sudah biasa. Mulai dari TangCity Mall, Supermall Karawaci atau biasa disebut SMS, Lippo Karawaci, dan masih banyak lagi. Dan mall-mall tersebut bukan main luasnya. Jika di Bandung kalian tidak puas dengan mall-mallnya, cobalah bermain ke Tangerang. 


Nah, jika kalian berkunjung ke Tangerang, kalian akan disambut oleh...

Plang tersebut sudah sangat terkenal bagi orang yang sering mondar-mandir di kota Tangerang, jika kalian meninggalkan kota Tangerang maka kalian akan membaca tulisan "Selamat Jalan" 

Oh iya, for your information. Di Tangerang, di pagar-pagar jalan seperti gambar di atas biasanya ditempeli dengan plang Asmaul Husna. Jadi kita bisa beribadah sambil menyetir kendaraan kita. Asmaul Husna ini dilengkapi dengan huruf latin dan artinya, jadi jangan khawatir :)

Nah, kembali lagi ke masalah kebersihan tadi, ya. Selain karena lingkungan yang sangat bersih tanpa pemulung, sampah, dan PKL berkeliaran. Tangerang juga dikenal mempunyai ruas jalan yang sangat luas, bahkan untuk 2 arah. Nah, bisa tahu mengapa Tangerang tidak pernah macet, kan? Selain luas, jarang sekali ditemukan kerusakan di ruas-ruas jalan utama. Kerusakan jalan biasanya ditemukan di jalan-jalan kecil dan biasanya tidak bertahan lama. Wah, kalau saja semua kota di Indonesia seperti ini...

Tapi, sayangnya Tangerang itu panas. Tapi sebenarnya itu tidak mengurangi kharisma Tangerang sebagai salah satu kota Metropolitan yang sibuk dan mengundang berbagai turis karena ketertiban dan kebersihannya. 

Dan, di Tangerang juga identik dengan komplek perumahan elite yang dipenuhi pohon-pohon di pinggir-pinggir jalan. Mungkin inilah faktor pendukung lain mengapa Tangerang disebut sebagai Australia-nya Indonesia. Karena saya pribadi sebagai turunan dari orang Tangerang pun merasa ketika jalan-jalan sore di sekitar perumahan, serasa berada di luar negeri

Secara pribadi, itulah beberapa alasan mengapa saya sangat suka berlibur ke Tangerang. Semua tempat dapat dijangkau dengan mudah, tanpa macet. Dan hawa-hawa sekitar Tangerang lah yang membuat saya merasa kalau kota itulah rumah saya

Tangerang juga bisa disebut sebagai kota yang masih sangat muda. Kota Tangerang baru berumur 23 tahun. Itu dikarenakan kota Tangerang merupakan kota hasil pemekaran. Wajar saja, dia masih sangat muda. 

Tapi aspek-aspek positif itulah yang mungkin bisa dijadikan contoh bagi kota-kota yang lain. 

Nah, gambar di atas merupakan gambaran umum jika kalian bertanya "Tangerang itu suasana kotanya seperti apa, sih?" 
Sebenarnya tidak terlalu beda, tetapi mungkin apartemen disini terlihat lebih rapih dan banyak gedung-gedung tinggi yang sangat menjulang. Gedung itu biasanya adalah perusahaan, bank, bahkan mall. Atau mungkin hotel. Tapi sebenarnya di Tangerang pun saya sendiri jarang menemukan hotel. 
Ya.. paling banyak sih Mall

Gambar di atas merupakan plang yang cukup terkenal di Tangerang. Siapa yang tidak tahu BSD City? Daerah komplek elite dengan berbagai mall trendy dan pemandangan sepanjang komplek yang enak dipandang mata. 

Kurang lebih, suasana pepohonan di kota Tangerang itu seperti ini. Pepohonan tinggi dengan jalan khusus untuk pejalan kaki. Berjalan-jalan di tempat seperti ini memang cocok dilakukan di sore hari atau pagi hari. Benar-benar terasa seperti Australia, kan? ;) 

Selain kebersihannya, jangan lupakan makanan khas Tangerang yaitu Laksa dan Ketoprak. Dijamin, sekali mencoba akan ketagihan (karena saya pun begitu). 

Mau membahas kebersihan Tangerang malah jadi menyambung ke makanan..

Nah, jika kalian tidak percaya tentang bersihnya Tangerang benar-benar seperti apa yang saya jelaskan tadi. Buktikan sendiri dengan mengunjungi kota Tangerang jika kalian mempunyai waktu kosong, siapkan saja uang jika kalian ingin menjelajahi berbagai mall dan kipas atau AC untuk melindungi diri kalian dari panas yang lumayan menyengat. 

P.S: Sebenarnya ini antara promosi atau benar-benar menjelaskan keadaan kota Tangerang.. 

Senin, 28 Maret 2016


Okay, this problem is really common between us as a high-schooler because we have to choose the next path in education (I mean... college). SO, NOW GUYS!

I'm going to tell you the tips about how to choose your major college! 

I told you, guys. (This is my opinion, tee-hee) the major you choose will neither predict nor guarantee your future. Many graduates find jobs that have nothing to do with what they studied in college. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average twenty-something switches jobs once every three years and the average person changes career fields two or three times in their lifetime. Have no fear that choosing a college major will lock you into a specific career for the rest of your life.
If you intend to earn a professional degree (like an MD) after college, you will probably need certain courses under your belt. But many future doctors major in non–science related fields. 

You may choose to base your decision on any of these factors:
  • Dream Job.

    Some students choose a major because it will prepare them for a specific career path or advanced study. Maybe you already know that you want to be a nurse, a day trader, a physical therapist, or a web developer. Before you declare, take a class or two in the relevant discipline, check out the syllabus for an advanced seminar, and talk to students in the department of your choice—make sure that you can and will do the coursework required for the career of your dreams.
  • Big Bucks.

    Future earning potential is worth considering—college is a big investment, and while college can pay you backin many ways beyond salary, this can be a major factor for students who are paying their own way or taking out loans. According to PayScale.com, the majors that lead to the highest salaries include just about any type of engineering, actuarial mathematics, computer science, physics, statistics, government, and economics. Keep your quality of life in mind, too—that six figure salary may not be worth it if you're not happy at the office.
  • Passion Project.

    Some students choose a major simply because they love the subject matter. If you love what you're studying, you're more likely to fully engage with your classes and college experience, and that can mean better grades and great relationships with others in your field. If your calling is philosophy, don't write it off just because you're not sure about graduate school, or what the job market holds for philosophers. Many liberal arts majors provide students with critical thinking skills and writing abilities that are highly valued by employers.
  • Free Spirit.

    If you truly have no idea what you want to study, that's okay—many schools don't require students to declare a major until sophomore year. That gives you four semesters to play the field. Make the most of any required general education courses—choose ones that interest you. Talk to professors, advisors, department heads, and other students. Find an internship off campus. Exploring your interests will help you find your best fit major—and maybe even your ideal career.

Even I share my opinion and tips about how to choose major college for you, FOR YOUR INFORMATION. 

I don't have any idea about my major college too.....................

But I think, the first thing is you have to know yourself better. I mean, you can have a quality time with your inner-self, you can ask yourself what's a good point about me, and like "can I turn that good point into something or a job I can do in the future?" Because.. if you do your good point in yourself or your hobby, you don't feel like you're working under pressure somehow, because you're doing something YOU REALLY LIKE OR SOMETHING YOU REALLY FIT IN. So, don't waste any time guys. We don't have much time left, because somehow choosing a perfect major college for you is a little step to organize your future. I mean for the sake of yourself, and of course you DON'T WANT TO DISAPPOINT YOUR PARENTS, RIGHT? 

The real goal is when your parents tell their friends and relatives they have such an amazing child like you, child that they can lean on, a child that can give them unlimited money,  and a child they can be proud of. 

And now, as always. I always put video in every post because maybe it may seems easier for you to understand than have to read the whole article so what am I doing with the explanation before seriously.  

Here is 5 easy tips of how to choose a perfect major college for you (visualized) :) 


I'm not going to explain what is bully, the reasons why people bully the others, and yaaaa anything in between. I'm just going to share my experiences, about bully.

I was bullied in kindergarten, because I have somekind of not-really-normal-teeth, and then my friends started to call me "monster" or "cepot" but I was really innocent back then so I didn't mind what they said about me UNLESS THEY TOOK MY MEAL. But, being bullied about physical wasn't so bad and hurt that time. Maybe because I was trying to just accept myself the way I am, and thankfully my parents always told me that I'm beautiful, and they told me to stay just the way I am. People can find the unique side of me, somehow. 

I was bullied in Junior High School, together with my 4-best-friends. We're being bullied because somehow the other girls felt jealous about us. I didn't know what they really felt that time. But I told you, guys. Being bullied verbally is way more hurt that it may seems. Because you know when you feel pain in your body, maybe your body can fix that pain but when you have pain in your heart about what people say about you, it took some times to heal your heart RIGHT IN THE FEELING GUUUUYS!!!!
Okay, get back to the topic. But they didn't talk about my appearance as mush as they talked about how annoying I was that time. Somehow, I just want to slap their face if I remember that time. But thankfully, those painful words didn't disturb my study, so I can slap them with my achievements :) when people said "the best revenge for someone is success" and somehow I already feel it and IT FELT SO GOOD, GUYS. I TOLD YA. 

Nothing feels good about being bullied. I had painful experience since I was 5 years old. And the effect for me as a high-schooler is I try really hard to become friends with almost everybody. And somehow I feel insecure about myself and words I just say to them like "did I do something wrong?" so yaaaa you can call it as paranoid. And when people don't really close to me sometimes I'm wondering what's wrong with me, That's why I try so hard to adapt with other people even if I have to hurt myself. It's better to hurt myself than to have the same experience.

Okay, so those are my experiences about bully. My tips is, don't ever get involved in case of bullying! 

Okay, so I'm going to share one of sWooZie videos, about bullying. Unfortunately, he had the same experience like me, he was bullied. He shared his experiences in a funny way, so this video isn't boring at all, because it has a lot of animations and effects too! WORTH IT. 

Why students cheat?!

 Of course, as a part of a school, cheating isn't something unusual. I mean.. sometimes cheating also can be an alternative way (if you really need it, but it's way more better to not cheating because somehow you still have your pride, right?)

It's not only about exams. NO, IT'S NOT. Even in some assignments too. Yaa, that's how reality works around us, as a student.
There are a lot of significant reasons why students cheat. And some reasons are reasons I can relate to, so I know how it feels like.

Okay, so these are the reasons why students cheat:
  1. Performance concerns

    • Need to excel at any cost
  2. External pressures

    • Academic
      • Semester workload too heavy
      • Others’ cheating puts me at disadvantage
      • Professor/text did not adequately explain material
      • Too many tests on one day
    • Nonacademic
      • Pressure from parents
      • Job leaves no time for study
      • Illness prevents adequate preparation
      • GPA for athletic qualification
      • Financial aid depends on GPA
      • Good grades needed for job or graduate school
  3. Unfair professors

    • Overly harsh grading
    • Unfair tests designed to fail students
    • Unreasonable workload in course
  4. Lack of effort

    • Did not attend class
    • Did not study, do reading, etc.
  5. Adherence to other loyalties

    • Helping a friend
    • Loyalty to a group (fraternity)
  6. All’s fair in love and academia

  7. Opportunity

    • Unexpected opportunity arose
    • Instructor left room during exam
    • Instructor wasn’t watching carefully
    • Other students didn’t cover their paper
  8. Campus ethos

    • Others do it
    • No one ever really gets punished/caught
For further information, here is a video from Steven Crawford about "why students cheat?". Check this out, guys!

And now is another video from sWooZie (actually he is my favorite youtuber). Oh ya and it's not a long-explanation-video like before, but it's more like he told us about his experiences about cheating in High School. He's been cheating since middle school (his videos about cheating are worth to watch because those videos are funny, yet simple, but somehow we can take the precious lessons from another person's experience). His videos about Cheating in High School consist of 3 volumes. So I'm going to post all of the videos about Cheating in High School from sWooZie! 

The first volume:

The second volume:

And finally the third volume:

Oh ya btw, if you ask me if I had ever cheating in tests or assignments. Yes I had. But it was really urgent. Which means I won't do it UNLESS I really need it, hehehehehe.
Because everytime when I think I'm going to cheat, somehow I remember my parents and of course my pride. I mean.. YEAH I'M GOING TO HAVE A BIG GRADE, YOLOOOOO but hey where am I going to put and save "my face" anyway? And if my parents know I'm cheating OH MY GOD I can't even imagine how disappointed they are.

So, my tips is DO NOT EVER CHEAT (unless you really need it lol, and you're not the only one who do it) haha just kidding, but somehow you're the one who is going to choose anyway. But it's better for you to take some efforts and not begging for the instant way, because you don't know what's coming next to you. It might be harder, so get ready, guys! :)

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2016

The unseen part of me.

Hello, good people.
Like I promised in the first post. I will post my pure-and-100%-real poem.

Day by day
Living a normal life,
With laugh, smile, anger, and sadness

Deep down in my heart
and my soul
I hide something, no one knows
but God

What I really feel about this life
My problems,
I smile like a normal teenager and
I cry like a normal human being

I'm wondering
How much pain I can take for something
That makes me feel like
I have everything in my life, but
Also makes me feel like

I'm nothing

Less than 5 seconds

I have countless masks
When I'm pretending like I'm okay
But deep down with honesty
It breaks me up

When I'm hurting myself for the sake of the other person
When someone said something that tortures my mind

People said "pour all of yourself for someone or something you like"
They ask me why I feel so empty

No matter how many words I will use to describe..

I just can't..

Okay, guys that's all from me. I'm sorry if that's not 100% poem at all, but I'm trying my best tho because I feel little bit shy(?) AND I'm a happy virus, remember? I shouldn't be sad for a long time, hehe. Okay, it's not like I'm bringing my problem up, but because I like poem so I take this opportunity to write "the unseen part of me". Thank you!

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

"Seriously, what is Biology?!"

Okay, so I'm going to tell you about Biology. Seriously what is Biology? First, we need to check the proper definition (I got it from Wikipedia, tee-hee!)

"Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy." 

So, guys. The conclusion is Biology is all about living things. Just make it simple, okay? And the basic of Biology is cell. If you know the structure and the function of each part of cell, BOOM! Biology seems easier and fun to learn. So, basically there are a lot of people who hate Biology because they have to remember A LOT of things and weird names. These people are the type who can't remember things easily, maybe they don't like a subject related to memory OR they don't like something related to systematic things

But, now I'm going to tell you the tips of how to learn Biology easier and fun! Because Biology seems easy, but it needs more than effort to understand about living things. You know knowledge is improving, so does Biology! 

1) First thing, guys. Biology is not only remember, but you need to understand it! Yes, we need our memory to remember weird things, but I think the most important thing about Biology is you have to understand the process. Remembering the weird names is like the other option, okay? 

2) Watch a video if you don't understand the long and boring explanation. I told you, it helps you. A LOT. It seems easier when you get the imagination, so you don't have to remember because you know how the system works WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND IT. See, guys? It's connected with the first step^^ 

3) Ask your friend if you think she/he has more information than you. It's basic guys, I do this step when it comes to mathematic because that subject is my weakness! HAHAHAHAHAHA. 
Okay, go back to the topic. You can ask your friend if you don't understand about Biology or you're too lazy to read the long explanation because if you ask your friend, all you have to do is listening. Easy right? 

4) Think of Biology as a fun and useful subject. 
Don't bother yourself about how much weird names you have to remember. Just remember that learning Biology is a opportunity for you to learn about living things like your body, or maybe your pet, or maybe your plants. Just imagine if there's no Biology in this world. We can't heal our disease, and no one would have a dream to be a doctor. 

5) Play with Biology!
Okay, maybe this step is quite new for you, good people. When you're tired about reading about the explanation or you're bored because of the weird pictures, just search a lot of picture about BIOLOGY JOKES. It's quite fun because there are a lot of pick-up lines that might be useful for you, you can give it to your crush HAHAHAHAHA *infinite evil emojis*. Okay, stop messing around this time because I will give you examples about biology jokes and the explanations. 

**Basically, it's not a joke. It's an advice from stem cell that will grow into a fully living thing just from a simple cell. It simply tells us, maybe for now we are nothing but only a student. But once we grow into a mature and fully-experienced people, we can reach our dreams and be whatever we want!

**You know "sel" in selfie and cell produce the same sound when we say it, change the "sel" from selfie with cell and you got cell-fie with real cell taking a picture.

**And this is what I really mean with pick-up line that you can give to your crush. So, in order to improve our body, there is a process called protein synthesis. There are Timin/Urasil, Guanin, Adenine. They have their own "couple", and one of them is Adenine who will get paired with Urasil. In this picture, Urasil is replaced with U (just like its first letter) so it sounds like "YOU". See? That's not really bad. In fact, using Biology pick-up lines to your crush will make your crush thinks that you're an attractive and dilligent person. You're welcome guys, you're welcome.

Okay, guys. Those are the simple steps of how to learn Biology with a lot of fun and easier to do. Hope it will help all of you. But, remember. Everything is all up to you. My post will be nothing if you don't have any spirit to follow those steps for the sake of yourself. So, first believe in yourself. With more than 10 billion cells in our brain, there's nothing we can't learn. 

I'll be back with another topic and more interesting post, to bright up your day, remember about all of your cells that only care for you and here's a picture of Patrick Star saying a warm "I love you" to you! See ya, xoxo